Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Konami Cleanup

Some news!

On October 22nd from 1pm to 5pm the Environmental Network will be hosting a greenhouse cleanup to get it ready for the spring. If you didn't know Arcadia had a greenhouse, that's not too surprising. It's on the Konami property over by Waverly road. We haven't used it in a long time and wild plants have taken over it. BUT that is going to change! Come by Saturday and help us clean the area up. The goal is to make it spotless for the spring and we can start growing plants, vegetables, and flowers! Contact me if you don't know how to get there and we'll set something up.

This is only the beginning of a series of events where we are working hard to turn the Konami property into a horticultural haven for students, faculty, and the community. Keep your ears open for more news!

Dao La

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facebook Page

A Facebook page has been created for the garden for those who tend to check their Facebook more often than others. "Like" the Arcadia Community Garden page at the bottom right of the screen and tell others to join too! Spread the word! The goal right now is to get at least 100 "likes".

Also, it looks like there won't be any need to water this week :) plenty of rain this week after that horrible heat wave, whew!

Stay dry out there!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Visit to the Garden

Hi everyone!

I stopped by the garden today, after being out of town for 5 weeks.  It looks so wonderful!  There are cucumbers and yellow squash just about ready to pick, basil plants tucked around everywhere, pepper plants, orange pumpkins, rows of at least 3 kinds of plants, etc.  The squash vines are traveling everywhere.  The bean plants are doing well too, though it looks like the bean pods have either been picked or dried out.  There are several perfect looking cantaloupes too... except that something's chewed them open.  The wasps seemed to be enjoying one of them.

It reminded me of a book I read as a kid... A Garden for a Groundhog by Lorna Balian... a great book for any gardener.

Overall it looks very well weeded, watered, etc.  Keep up the good work everyone!

- Steph

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Seeds!

Hello All!

Between yesterday and today I was finally able to do some rearranging in two of the beds.
(Pictures are oriented with Murphy behind you)

In the back left bed, the arugula replanted itself and is starting to sprout. In front of the arugula I cleared out some of the plants that were burnt out and not producing and planted (from left to right) two rows of cabbage, a row of parsnips, a row of chard, and some kale.

In the front left bed I pulled out the dried out sugar snap peas and planted three rows of radish.

The remaining radishes are going to seed so we can collect them. The best way to do so is to just let them dry out on the stalk, so please leave them there until dry and ready to be saved. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fall Crops

The Garden has been producing beautifully, though I don't think it's enjoying this heat too much.
As some of the plants begin to burn out, some planning needs to be done for a fall crop.
The Hudson Valley Seed Library has a wonderful blog post about planting for the fall season which everyone should check out here --> http://www.seedlibrary.org/wp/?p=1778

With this information, I have pulled out the seeds we can plant this week and next to allow for a fall harvest. I plan on planting Thursday evening.
I will update the garden map so everyone knows what is where.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exciting News!

Hey Guys!
I just wanted everyone to know that Tom Macchi made watering the garden sooooo much easier. 
Instead of having to run up and down the hill10 times, he hooked up a hose to the back of the trailers by Spruance and ran the hoses through the woods directly to the garden, so our hose will always be right there and can stay right there. He also bought us a wonderful nozzle attachment.
Here's how to work it. 
The water is constantly on. We are using the timer device to turn it off and on.
 (Refer to picture) 
(when you are holding the hose with sprayer away from you)
When the zero is facing you, the water is turned off. Turn it clockwise to any of the other numbers, which are time increments, to turn it on. The very end of the nozzle turns as well to adjust the spray. 
If anyone has any questions, let me know.
I'm around Murphy most of the time. And my number is 610.506.5660
Happy Watering and Eating!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Photos

Thank you to everyone who are working extra hard in the garden this summer! With all the rain that's been going around last week there wasn't really a need to water, so I hope you guys enjoyed the break. Its going to be a hot one this week so the plants will definitely need hydration (but don't forget to do the same for yourself).

There seems to be some bunny problems nibbling on the leaves of some of the vegetables, but thanks to some of our gardeners for acting quickly and protecting our garden!

Some innovative thinking to protect the veggies.  Bottom cut bottles.
Photo provided by Mic.
Also check out the Pictures section for new photos!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome to the New and Improved Garden Blog

The Arcadia Gardeners would like to welcome to the Arcadia Garden blog! Here you'll find the most up to date information in regards to Arcadia's garden. The links to the left side should be of use to our volunteers and there is some information about our history. If you have any questions in regards of the garden, check out the Q&A section and ask a question. Pictures will be up soon!

Check around the blog and enjoy!