The Garden has been producing beautifully, though I don't think it's enjoying this heat too much.
As some of the plants begin to burn out, some planning needs to be done for a fall crop.
The Hudson Valley Seed Library has a wonderful blog post about planting for the fall season which everyone should check out here --> http://www.seedlibrary.org/wp/?p=1778
With this information, I have pulled out the seeds we can plant this week and next to allow for a fall harvest. I plan on planting Thursday evening.
I will update the garden map so everyone knows what is where.
The Garden has been producing beautifully, though I don't think it's enjoying this heat too much.
As some of the plants begin to burn out, some planning needs to be done for a fall crop.
The Hudson Valley Seed Library has a wonderful blog post about planting for the fall season which everyone should check out here --> http://www.seedlibrary.org/wp/?p=1778
With this information, I have pulled out the seeds we can plant this week and next to allow for a fall harvest. I plan on planting Thursday evening.
I will update the garden map so everyone knows what is where.
1 comment:
Good to be thinking about fall crops though the Hudson Valley does have a different first frost date. Here is another good resource: http://www.johnnyseeds.com/t-JSSAdvantage.aspx?source=E_JSSAdvntage_0711_CGCM
Go to the calculator link. I put in a frost date of 10/25 though there is a range.
I pulled out the tomatoes. I have not ID'd the problem yet but they are quite dead. They were pretty stunted from the get go. I took a photo. I'll see if I can get it out to the group.
Besides fall planting, I would be considering some soil building activity; manure, organic material, maybe raise the bed up..soil is heavy and beds are in low lying area...good for holding water but not, ultimately, ideal..
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