The community garden is relatively new to the Arcadia Campus. In the spring of 2010, Arcadia student, Lynn Sipsey, was thinking of environmental initiatives for the school. At the grocery store one day, she noticed how her grocer couldn’t recognize most of the produce she had. This brought her to realize that if her grocer couldn’t recognize what a radish looked like, he certainly didn’t know how it tasted or how it looked growing in the ground. This new awareness of the food cycle gave Sipsey inspiration to start the garden as a place where people can learn about the food cycle and become more connected with the food they often see on their plates.
After much negotiation with the Arcadia staff, she was able to get approval for the garden. The only problem was she had three weeks to complete it. With the help of supporting students and a very enthusiastic president, they were able to finish the garden in time with some wonderful vegetables for the students to enjoy! With the support of the students, faculty, and community members the garden is still up and running and just as active!
The start of the Arcadia Community Garden Photo provided by Steph C. |