Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome to the New and Improved Garden Blog

The Arcadia Gardeners would like to welcome to the Arcadia Garden blog! Here you'll find the most up to date information in regards to Arcadia's garden. The links to the left side should be of use to our volunteers and there is some information about our history. If you have any questions in regards of the garden, check out the Q&A section and ask a question. Pictures will be up soon!

Check around the blog and enjoy!


Caron said...

Hi-I was at the garden this morning. Sorry I was not around earlier in the week but I had a funny head cold! It seemed pretty mois so I just pulled some weeds and checked stuff out. Couple of questions (for anyone!): in the north east corner-- is there room to plant some peppers? It looked a little sparse and I have extra plants! And does anyone have a preferred method of stringing up the peas? I have sticks but I am not sure if that is best- mine usually grow along a fence. Thanks and happy Memorial day!

Anonymous said...

Hi, All,
I think that planting peppers there would be great--the original garden plan did have peppers in the bed where the tomatoes are, but I didn't see any peppers anywhere in the garden on Sunday last week. The garden plan doesn't say anything about succession planting, so why not plant what we have? I'll be stopping by tomorrow to weed--I'll look at the peas & what we have there that might support them. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Arcadia gardener said...

Peppers should be fine, if you can find any free space plant away! I'll email facilities and see if they could help out with providing a trellis for the peas. thanks for your help everybody!


Anonymous said...

Hi, All,

I just got back from the garden. Still does not need watering, but another day or so of this heat and it will be dry enough to need it, I think. I did some weeding and put up stakes & strings for the peas—if anybody else has a better support for the peas, though, feel free to put it up. I also thinned all of the “hill” plants down to 3 per hill—I moved some of them to another bed that had bare hills, but they may not survive the transplantation in this heat.

Does anybody have plans for the arugula and whatever else has gone to seed in the back bed?

Happy gardening,


mic said...

Hi, It's monday..the ground is still moist but I did water a bit because I planted some seeds that I had extra. Here's what I planted:
In the southeast garden: a row of red malabar spinach (vining summer greens) next to the spinach (which is going to seed and probably could be removed).
and a mound of uzbekski cucumber.
In the northeast garden where laura transplanted "hill" plants; I tucked in some tahitian melon seeds just in case the "hill" plants don't do well. These are a type of winter squash and not really like a melon.
Arugala has some nice seed pods. The kale looks like it has been harvested or eaten by deer?
I also sprayed around the borders with "Rabbit Stopper." It is organic..works in my garden. Did not spray plants. Any objections?
Is there a way to post pictures to the blog?

Arcadia gardener said...

Sounds great Mic,

If you want you can email me the photos and I can post them up or I can send you an admin account and you can post regular photos too.



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