Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Seeds!

Hello All!

Between yesterday and today I was finally able to do some rearranging in two of the beds.
(Pictures are oriented with Murphy behind you)

In the back left bed, the arugula replanted itself and is starting to sprout. In front of the arugula I cleared out some of the plants that were burnt out and not producing and planted (from left to right) two rows of cabbage, a row of parsnips, a row of chard, and some kale.

In the front left bed I pulled out the dried out sugar snap peas and planted three rows of radish.

The remaining radishes are going to seed so we can collect them. The best way to do so is to just let them dry out on the stalk, so please leave them there until dry and ready to be saved. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fall Crops

The Garden has been producing beautifully, though I don't think it's enjoying this heat too much.
As some of the plants begin to burn out, some planning needs to be done for a fall crop.
The Hudson Valley Seed Library has a wonderful blog post about planting for the fall season which everyone should check out here -->

With this information, I have pulled out the seeds we can plant this week and next to allow for a fall harvest. I plan on planting Thursday evening.
I will update the garden map so everyone knows what is where.
